August 21, 2024
Leadership Notes
I’m turning over, as the saying goes, a new leaf. Well, for this week, at least. This week I’m steering clear of misunderstanding, mischievousness, and mayhem.
Words cannot begin to describe our gratefulness to God for providing, through the faithful people of Covenant Church, for the needs of back-to-schoolers and their families in Lenawee County. Your love for Jesus and our community radiated through our Backpack Blowout. Thank you…O blessed by God to be a blessing to others.
Kids are either already back in school, of getting ready to return. Prayers for a year filled with fun, frivolity, and learning, in whatever order suits you.
Our Sunday School year returns September 8. We have a class for elementary age children. We have two classes for adults. They are both open for whoever would like to attend. One will be based on a topical study chosen by the class. My class is a survey of the Books of the Bible. We are up to “Ecclesiastes.” All classes begin at 9:00 and all are welcome.
This coming Sunday {August 25} we will conclude our journey through Obadiah. It has been a joy to explore this short book together. On September 1 we will begin the Gospel of Luke. Jerry Bridges, who was a prolific evangelical author and speaking, once wrote:
God is completely sovereign…
God is infinite wisdom…
God is perfect love.
As we saw in Obadiah, so we will see this beautiful truth in Luke.
Finally, still thinking about Viktor Frankl and what we learned from him about facing all kinds of hardships, here’s today’s final thought:
“Life isn’t about controlling your emotions. That’s impossible. It’s
about keeping your emotions from controlling you. No need to
ruin your life because you couldn’t take a deep breath and chill
out for 5 minutes.”
- Ed Latimore
With Much Love and Affection.