December 2, 2020
Leadership Notes
{Notes from Underground - финал}
I trust your Thanksgiving was spent in a way that was best for you and your loved ones. We are all making careful and cautious decisions based on what we believe to be best for ourselves and those we love. My only bias about Thanksgiving is that, if you're not eating turkey sandwiches for at least two or three days after the holiday, did you really celebrate Thanksgiving? Our twenty-two pounder is gone, whilst a fourteen-pounder sits in the freezer, waiting for a time between now and next year when we're in the mood for more. One thing I'm going to try - my nephew soaked his turkey for two days in buttermilk. They loved the result.
How was your Thanksgiving? I'd love to hear from you…family favorites, traditions unique to your family, etc.
Is it just me, or are more people decorating for Christmas? At least half of the houses on our street are festively bright and joyful.
My heart ached a bit for our friendly neighbors to the north. In Manitoba, after being fined $5000 for holding in-person worship in violation of the province's public health order, a church decided to hold parking lot worship the following Sunday. Police blocked churchgoers from entering the church's parking lot. Strange, but true. Meanwhile, here at Covenant Church, we remain reasonable and responsible. Some people are wearing masks during worship {a choice freely made}, while almost everyone is masked up before and after worship. Plus, we are debugging our livestream the best we can, so others can connect in worship that way. I have communicated with many from our family of faith as well as from other places who are connecting with Jesus online. We praise God for His sovereign grace, which draws us to give Him glory and honor in all things, in all places, at all times.
As I said in the November 29 message on generosity, Covenant Church is a joyful church. How do I know that? Because of your generous giving. A Biblically content church is filled with cheerful and generous givers. We are always thankful for the outpouring of generosity of God's people.
Dr. Anthony Fauci {and the science} says most schools should be open. In districts across the country, failing grades are noticeably up while thousands of students have yet to check-in for distance learning. I'm concerned about the children getting left behind.
A wise person once said, "Disagreement does not necessarily mean disunity. Disunity is when we fail to love each other despite our disagreements." I have to admit, I have felt disunity from both liberals and conservatives, though not in equal measure.
Finally, there's always a little sharpness to Advent. It's the prophetic word that speaks to why Jesus was born - why he was born to die. Charles H. Spurgeon put it this way:
"No one used stronger or more damning language than our dear Redeemer concerning the future of ungodly men {and women}. He knew nothing of that pretend sympathy which would rather let men {and women} perish than warn them against perishing."
In His Glorious Love,