Words cannot adequately express how much I love and respect the people of Covenant Church. We have courageously followed God to where we are today, not having known when Covenant Church was formed almost seven ago where we'd be right now. All we did was trust God. When you trust God, it's not hard to remain faithful to His Word and what
He is doing for us in Jesus Christ.
I love the people of Covenant Church for how you sing. I love how you worship. I love how you care for each other. I love how generous you are with your time and talents and resources. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Covenant Church is a scrappy church. We love each other and we love our community. We are not looking backward to what once was. We are moving forward into what is yet to come. And it's good. Because God is good...all the time.
With Easter almost here, I was thinking about all the plans and events churches build around the holiday {Holy Day}. I reflected on what we've been intentionally doing here at Covenant Church. With Christmas and Easter, we pay attention to doing the essential things really well. In other words, we don't overload seasonal times with too much. I don't think it's necessary. Plus, I don't think it serves family life and personal time to do too much. Sometimes less is more.
Several years ago, I quit over thinking my part in the holidays. I used to think that Christmas Eve sermons and Easter sermons had to be brilliant and funny and emotionally gripping. I thought they had to be real show stoppers.
Not anymore. I have learned to trust God's Word to penetrate hearts. It's not up to me, or any delusional sense of cleverness or creativity I might have. Worship isn't about a show. It is being led by God to connect our hearts to Him. God works through us all to bring a concert of praise, glory and honor for what He has done for us in Jesus Christ. We trust God to work in and through us when we gather for worship. Simple and honest worship. Praise Jesus!
With Much Love,