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In essentials, unity, in non-essentials, liberality, in all things, charity.

August 4, 2021

Leadership Notes

As most of you know, these Leadership Notes aren't solely about life here at Covenant Church. They are often about the intersection of faith, culture, and politics, rooted in God's Word. Sometimes I reflect on things that I find interesting. Sometimes I share opinions or positions that not everyone will agree with, and that's not a bad thing. In the arena of the honest exchange of ideas, here's something I keep in mind:

"Being easily offended is not a fruit of the Spirit."

{Ekkie Tepsupornchai}

It's okay to have different opinions, right? As long as it's not illegal, immoral, or unbiblical, we can think differently on things and it's okay. Remembering that great axiom of the Reformed faith, "In essentials, unity, in non-essentials, liberality, in all things, charity." I love that.

Here's a practical application. I've had lots of conversations with people about when they will be comfortable returning for in-person worship. Whether I agree or disagree with a person's decision is irrelevant. It is their decision to do what they feel is best for themselves and/or their family. Same thing goes for vaccines. As I once so famously said, "You keep being

you, and I'll keep being me, to the Glory of God Alone!"

I love a vigorous exchange of ideas. As long as we keep Paul's admonition to do all things in love in mind {1 Corinthians 13}, we do well to have lively conversations. There's no other way to share life together. It's all good…

Here's a closing example. The Mortimers have an air fryer. We love our air fryer. Whole chickens. Sandwiches. Sweet potatoes. Hamburgers. Mozzarella cheese sticks. The list goes on. If you have tried cooking with an air fryer and don't like it, you are doing something wrong. You need help. If you don't think you'd like an air fryer, you are misinformed. It's a delicious, healthy, less messy way to cook. Air fryer true believers have an almost evangelical fervor about the product.

But regardless of where you stand on the air fryer craze, I won't think more or less of you and you won't think more or less of me. Kitchen appliances aren't the ties that bind us. Our devotion to Jesus and what he's doing through Covenant Church are the ties that bind! We'll agree on some things, we'll disagree on some things, and we'll enjoy the journey together.

Finally, a brief Olympics observation. I don't pay much attention to them until track-and-field, or if a significant human interest story emerges. This week brought two stand out moments for me. First, a Jamaican won the men's 110-meter hurdles. This might be the best name of anyone in the Olympics - Hansle Parchment. Are you kidding me? Best name ever.

Second, there's the story of Tamyra Menah-Stock. Endearing is an understatement. She won the gold medal in women's wrestling. Infectious smile. Jubilance for doing so well wearing the red, white, and blue. As she said, "I love representing the United States!" Her family story is inspiring. Will someone please give her a cereal box cover? And more.

And now your Moment of Spurgeon:

Young Christian, do not dream that as soon as you are converted your

struggle is over, but conclude that your conflict has but just begun.

Much Love and Affection,


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