April 29, 2020
Leadership Notes
Some states are beginning a slow reopening. People are getting restless. Frustration grows…I know I feel it. We all are doing our best to do what's best for our communities, especially the most vulnerable among us. If I can be Mr. Obvious for a moment, for a variety of reasons, the economy is going to have to open back up. A strategy balancing risk and reward will begin to take shape.
Meanwhile, we are monitoring the advice of health and civil authorities. Our denomination, as well as church consultants like Thom Rainer, are posting regular updates. For example, one parachurch organization is offering a "Post-Coronavirus Facility Reopening Checklist." When it comes to negotiating through a pandemic, I don't want to be a rebel. Our Christian witness includes doing what's in the best interest of everyone in our community. In fact, it's because of our faith in Jesus Christ that we persevere during difficult times, showing by example that we love our community and will join others in doing our part to get through this. Amen?
Speaking of "Amen" I look forward with hope and anticipation for when
we will gather again in worship. What we have been able to do online {thanks to so many talented and kindhearted people} is a tremendous blessing, but it will never be a substitute for worship. Being together with brothers and sisters in Christ in worship is one of the closest things to heaven we will experience in this life. We will be together again!
Right now, I am figuring that our first Sunday back in worship will
include communion. We haven't celebrated communion since the first
Sunday in March. I haven't brought communion to our home-bound members and friends since the first Tuesday in March. Perhaps some of you have wondered why we haven't celebrated virtual communion while we've been online. The answer is quite simple. I know some churches are…their members prepare the elements in their homes…I know some churches are celebrating communion online, and those pastors present reasonable arguments why. For many of us, though, the point is that communion is something we share together, in person. Jesus specifically said, "As often as you gather together, do this in remembrance of me." I think communion can wait until we are back together. Another amen?
Though we are apart, our patience and perseverance encourages us.
Thank you for your continued generosity. Pray without ceasing. May our lives brightly shine with the hope of Christ that is in us.
With Much Love and Affection,